Earning your SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP credential makes you a recognized expert and leader in the HR field—and a valuable asset to your organization, keeping you and your organization more competitive in today’s economy. This professional distinction sets you apart from your colleagues, proving your high level of knowledge and skills.
The profession is no longer just about what you know—facts and figures—but rather how you effectively implement that knowledge in the workplace each and every day. SHRM certification provides you the opportunity to prove not only what you know but also how you can apply that knowledge on the job.
SHRM certifications directly link to on-the-job scenarios and realistic work situations. Seventy-three percent of examinees say the SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP exams are HR job-relevant.
Built upon one comprehensive SHRM Body of Competency and Knowledge™ (SHRM BoCK™), SHRM certification is applicable across industries, geographic borders, job responsibilities and career levels
More than 5,000 employers are seeking SHRM credential-holders every month. The SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP credentials are based on the current HR landscape, focusing on the competencies and knowledge HR professionals need to lead in today’s business community. Boost your confidence to take that next step in your HR career or to distinguish yourself in a job search.
Based on in-depth research focused on—and backed by—global employers and business leaders, the SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP credentials reflect what HR practitioners need to know to be leaders in their organizations and in the profession.
The SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP exams are accredited by the Buros Center for Testing, asserting that the HR credentials meet the highest standards in testing.
SHRM certification is the only HR certification offered by the world’s largest HR membership organization. As the industry leader in HR professional development, SHRM has supported more than 100,000 employers representing 115 million employees worldwide.

SHRM Certified Professional (SHRM-CP)
HR professionals who implement policies and strategies, serve as point of contact for staff and stakeholders, deliver HR services, and perform operational HR functions, should take the SHRM-CP exam…Read More

SHRM Senior Certified Professional (SHRM-SCP)
HR professionals who develop strategies, lead the HR function, foster influence in the community, analyze performance metrics, and align HR strategies to organizational goals, should take the SHRM-SCP exam…Read More
The SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP exams contain two types of multiple choice questions: stand-alone knowledge-based items that assess a candidate’s knowledge and understanding of factual information, and scenario-based situational judgment items that assess a candidate’s judgment, application and decision-making skills.
Knowledge Items
There are two categories of stand-alone knowledge-based items on the SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP exams. Items in the first category, referred to as HR-specific knowledge Items (KIs), cover key concept topics associated with the 15 HR functional areas, while items in the second category, referred to as foundational knowledge items (FKIs), cover key concept topics considered foundational to the eight behavioral competencies. Examinees receive credit for selecting the correct answer to a given question; otherwise, no credit is awarded.
Situational Judgment Items
Situational judgment items (SJIs) assess candidates’ judgment and decision-making skills, which are not easily measured using traditional knowledge-based questions. Examinees are presented with realistic work-related scenarios and asked to choose the best of several possible strategies to resolve or address the issues described in each scenario. Although more than one strategy may be effective for addressing actual work-related scenarios, examinees only receive credit for choosing the best possible answer, as determined by a panel of experienced HR professionals. All other answers, which reflect either less effective or ineffective strategies, receive no credit.
Field-Test Questions
Each exam contains 30 field-test items which are not counted as part of a candidate’s score. Field testing allows us to gather data on a question’s effectiveness before it is included on future exams as a scored item. Examinees’ answers to field-test items do not count toward any part of their exam scores, and are only used for item development purposes.