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11 Tips to Help You Study for the SHRM-SCP Certification

SHRM Senior Certified Professional (SHRM-SCP) Certification

HR professionals who develop strategies, lead the HR function, encourage influence in the community, analyze performance metrics, and follow HR strategies to organizational goals, should take the SHRM-SCP exam.

The HR role is transforming worldwide as it adopts new competencies, making an HR qualification key to achieving success in a career. The SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP credentials give HR professionals the skills and knowledge they require to perform their jobs and achieve career success effectively, now and in the future.

Crucially, they are designed with employers in mind and considered as the global standard of excellence in HR.

Tips for Effective Study of SHRM-SCP Certification

1. Get Acquainted with the SHRM Body of Competency and Knowledge:

First things first, the exam is based on the SHRM Body of Competency and Knowledge.  Review the BoCK. Even on the SHRM website is an interactive guide that allows you to read more about each competency and access career development resources.

2. Create a Study Plan and Stick to It:

You are a competent, successful HR professional. But that does not mean you do not have to study. This is a standardized SHRM exam, and many of us have not taken this type of exam for a while. So, plan to study. And make studying a preference. This is the top concern I hear from people who do not pass the exam. They fall behind in thinking and never catch up.

Use various available resources to study and create a plan, so you cover every subject. You are responsible for assuring you have digested sufficient information to pass the exam, so provide yourself the time to do it and stick to your study plan. Minimize any distractions which might negatively impact your success.

3. Find a Study Buddy or a Study Group:

If you are concerned that you might be one of those people who could become quickly distracted from your study plan, think about getting a study buddy or group to help with responsibility goals.

4. Make Yourself a Set of Flash Cards:

Index cards are economical and a great way to jot down acronyms you want to remember or the essential components for a piece of HR legislation. You can take them with you and do a quick review.

How to Prepare for the SHRM Senior Certified Professional (SHRM-SCP) Certification Exam?

5. Take SHRM-SCP Practice Exams:

There are quite a few websites available that offer practice exam questions, including the SHRM Learning System. Taking an SHRM-SCP practice exam, studying, and then re-taking the exam can be an excellent way to assess your study efforts and build confidence.

6. Develop a Routine for Answering Questions:

When you know an exam question, put a little process in place for yourself to answer the question. It will need some time to turn this process into a habit, but it could help with second-guessing yourself on exam day.

7. Digest as Much as Possible:

The SHRM-SCP exam requires a lot of studies, so make sure you do a little every day, apparently months in advance of the test. It may appear like a lot, but you require to be prepared, and just like anything, the more you do it, the better you will become.

Read textbooks, attend study classes, use online learning, and practice the questions over and over again. It may also be deserving of talking to someone who has now sat and passed the exam to make some of their study tips.

8. Think Strategically:

Put your strategic HR head-on when answering any of the questions. You should think about how the questions relate to the workplace and answer based on HR being a proactive advisory presence, rather than a passive one.

9. Take Your Time:

With any exam, there is always the appeal to rush through in a hidden panic, but this is likely to lead to the wrong answers. Make sure you read every question twice or more before attempting to answer it and be concerned with your answer.

10. Put the Faith:

Make sure you go into your exam with your head held high. It may also aid to do some personal development before the exam, such as reading relevant books and using a vision board to assure you are at your most confident. If you have thought hard and you take your time with the questions, there is no reason why you should not pass. Believe in yourself.

11. Practice Self-care:

Earning your SHRM-SCP certification is a big goal, and it requires a lot of work. Taking care of yourself is essential. Get plenty of rest. Eat well. I want to think that we would all agree that being stressed-out is not the best path for studying or for taking the exam.


Earning your SHRM-SCP certification can be an essential step in your career development. But I am not going to sugar-coat it earning your SHRM-SCP certification is also hard work. Putting a plan in place to obtain your goal will help.

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